Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 1, 2012

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Reflection on the Spirit of the Sacred Heart
June 1, 2012
...I beg you to be faithful to your exercises of piety.
Our holy Rule tells us we should love meditation.
Strive with all your energy to become an interior soul.
You have the necessary dispositions, and, believe me,
your present difficulties come
from neglecting to develop them....
Our difficulties come from our too great eagerness
for the things of this world.

Mother Aloysia Hardey, writing in a letter, 1859

From a biography, Mary Aloysia Hardey, Religious of the Sacred Heart, 1809-1886, page 212,   
by Mary Garvey


   For Reflection...
Silence and interior life are the condition for recognising God's presence and welcoming his love as an invitation, as the way to go, and as a compass for the plans we make as persons, communities and groups.
"Hence it follows that the spirit of this Society is essentially based upon prayer and the interior life, since we cannot glorify the adorable Heart of Jesus worthily, save inasmuch as we apply ourselves to study its interior dispositions in order to unite and conform ourselves to them." (1815 #5)

From Validity, Dynamism and Vitality of the Society's Charism by Georgina Zubiría, rscj, Mexico 2010

 tona monzon kneeling

Artwork by Tona Monzon, rscj 

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012

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Reflection on the Spirit of the Sacred Heart
May 25, 2012

I watched a hen the other day
pursue a barn-owl twice her size
across the yard.
Her flaps and squawks
seemed laughably inept
yet kept that predator from eating more
than half of her new chicks.
She made me think of dark-eyed children 
throwing stones at tanks and
Rosa Parks defiant on a bus and
Gandhi bending low
making salt.
Where does such fire come from 
that can make a little one stand tall
or turn to flesh a heart of stone?

I saw it fall in tongues of flame 
one day on ordinary folk
and knew it would in time
all things malevolent consume.

Poem written by Beatrice Brennan rscj, province of the United States

   For Reflection...
"If only it were given to me, if only I were not so unworthy, that God might give me the grace to speak to you of the happiness of persons who give themselves over to the Holy Spirit, completely and without reserve!   

If I could tell you all that takes place in them, if I could depict their happiness. It is no longer they who act; it is God. They go nowhere, they do nothing except by the Spirit's inspiration; everything becomes easy for them; they no longer experience difficulty; they meet no obstacles. The Holy Spirit pulls them along and sets up a communication between them and heaven.    

These people have found the secret of touching hearts. It is as if they do not act of themselves; they do not know whether they are doing good; one might say they do not even desire to do good; rather they have only one desire to follow and obey the impulse of the Holy Spirit in everything."

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, Conferences I, 2 June 1827, p. 18  

 burst of spirit maille

Artwork by Sophie Maille, rscj 

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012

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Reflection on the Spirit of the Sacred Heart
May 18, 2012
I have understood more clearly,
that all results and fruit in souls
must come from God alone.

I wish above all to acquire interior spirit
and union with the Sacred Heart, therefore
apply myself lovingly to prayer at all times.

Give all stray moments to prayer,
even if it should seem to me
desirable to think out something,
rather pray about it instead.

Janet Erskine Stuart, rscj 1868
Life and Letters of Janet Erskine Stuart, by Maud Monahan, page 157 

   For Reflection...
Our human mind is a gift from God. The mind can focus intently on our sensory inputs and become carried away in its own activity. We create stress when we force our wishes and impress our will. With busy-ness of mind, the voice of the Divine is difficult to discern.
Turn inward, quiet the senses and still the mind. In contemplation and in surrender, the presence of God can fill us and the Voice heard.  Renewed, refreshed and restored, we find the solution to the puzzle, the answer to the question, the key to the lock. We wonder - was it here all along?

open window miyako

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Monday, May 14, 2012

May 11, 2012

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Reflection on the Spirit of the Sacred Heart
May 11, 2012

I must learn to live by faith,
like the weaver 
never seeing the plan of my life,
but trusting God for it
and working on the wrong side as it seems,
but working for a reality,
not of my reason or the
imagination of my own fancies, 
but one, of which God has not
only designed the whole, but
counted each stitch and tied
every change of thread,  
from the beginning to end.

Janet Erskine Stuart rscj

   For Reflection...

Are we prepared to walk with her? We can make ourselves aware of the conditioning that ties us excessively to what is "tried and tested".     

And we can also recall our own "experiences of daring", those moments in our lives in which we were capable of taking risks, trusting in the Word of God, savouring the freedom that is born from this. 

"Be brave and strong, do not be frightened or dismayed because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1: 6,9)
weaving hands

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 4, 2012

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Reflection on the Spirit of the Sacred Heart
May 4, 2012
As for your difficulty in being recollected and uniting yourself to Our Lord
amid such distracting occupations,
don't worry because it is for God that you put up with all this...
Without effort and without constraint,
tend gently to union with Jesus Christ in the deepest point in your soul
by practicing recollection to which you must grow accustomed
by controlling natural activity when you become aware of it.

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, in Brou: Work and Prayer

   For Reflection...

"Cast your nets... and you will find some." (John 21, 6)

What are my "nets"? Am I ready to leave them? On all this, I ask the light of the Holy Spirit who is promised to us.

I contemplate this scene unfolding at the lake side. Where am I? Am I right in the scene in the midst of the participants? I listen to Jesus' word as if it is addressed to me personally. Does it evoke something in me? Does it inspire enthusiasm or fear?

From an online retreat by Marie-Thérèse Deprecq, rscj, France

 kingdom of heaven hanrahan